
Call for contributions to the workshop and round table is open

The workshop and roundtable are organized around two objectives.
  • One is to take stock of innovation related to green and blue infrastructure (GBI) in Russian cities, and to understand the factors of success and failures of such innovation projects given a variety of biophysical and socioeconomic contexts across the country.
  • The other one is to understand what other innovation projects successfully implemented in the EU have their chance in Russia, what kind of projects would be useful and relevant in terms of sustainability transition in Russia, and what barriers need to be considered to ensure their success.
To achieve the first objective, we are inviting speakers representing academic and non-academic institutions from across Russia, who have relevant GBI experience and reflections to share. Moderated discussions will follow.
The second objective will be achieved through an exercise where specific GBI innovation recently implemented in the EU will be presented to the audience by our EU partners involved in these innovative projects. The audience will be asked to give a short structured feedback reflecting on their academic, professional or regional experience.
Workshop and roundtable conclusions will be summarised in a report that will be published online. We also hope for several high profile publication projects to emerge as a result of this event.
If you are interested to participate in the event, we kindly ask you to fill in the online application form https://forms.gle/zyYv6c5MGcJpJwTd8 by March 15, 2021. We expect that a substantial number of speakers will present in person, while we also will support presentations by means of videoconferencing. If needed, we will arrange APEX roundway travel, stay in Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel and full board for accepted participants. The conference venue will fully comply with the latest sanitary requirements prescribed by relevant authorities, including social distancing. Further information can be requested from anton.shkaruba@emu.ee
2021-03-10 19:10