Green and Blue Urban Infrastructure
Innovation for Northern Eurasia

Transfer, Regionalisation, Planning Strategies and
Development Directions

Background, objectives and methodology
The workshop and roundtable are organized around two objectives.
  • One is to take stock of innovation related to green and blue infrastructure (GBI) in Russian cities, and to understand the factors of success and failures of such innovation projects given a variety of biophysical and socioeconomic contexts across the country.
  • The other one is to understand what other innovation projects successfully implemented in the EU have their chance in Russia, what kind of projects would be useful and relevant in terms of sustainability transition in Russia, and what barriers need to be considered to ensure their success.
To achieve the first objective, we are inviting speakers representing academic and non-academic institutions from across Russia, who have relevant GBI experience and reflections to share. Moderated discussions will follow.
The second objective will be achieved through an exercise where specific GBI innovation recently implemented in the EU will be presented to the audience by our EU partners involved in these innovative projects. The audience will be asked to give a short structured feedback reflecting on their academic, professional or regional experience.
Workshop and roundtable conclusions will be summarised in a report that will be published online. We also hope for several high profile publication projects to emerge as a result of this event.
    Семинар и круглый организуются для решения следующих задач:
    • Получить представление о характере инноваций, связанных с внедрением проектов зелёной и голубой инфраструктуры (ЗГИ) в российских городах, а также о факторах успеха или провала подобных проектов в различных физико-географических и социально-экономических условиях страны.
    • Понять какие успешно реализованные в городах ЕС инновационнные проекты в сфере ЗГИ могут быть реализованы в России, в том числе с точки зрения значимости подобных проектов для достижения целей устойчивого развития, а также различного рода барьеров, которые необходимо учесть.
    Для достижения первой задачи, мы планируем пригласить докладчиков, представляющих различные организации, компании и учреждения со всех уголков России, которые обладают интересным опытом по теме мероприятия, и готовы им поделиться. Доклады будут сопровождаться модерированными обсуждениями.
    Вторая задача будет достигнута при помощи семинара, в котором конкретные инновации в сфере ЗГИ, реализованные в ЕС, будут представлены европейскими партнёрами, вовлечёнными в данные проекты. Участникам будет предложено дать структурированные отзывы на представленные инновации, в том числе с точки зрения их профессионального, научного или регионального опыта.
    The workshop and the roundtable will be moderated by:
    • Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
    • Pskov State University, Russia
    • Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
    • The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
    • Erda RTE, Netherlands
      Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
    • Belarussian-Russian University, Belarus
    • Dr. Denis Alekseev
      Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia
    • Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
    • Pskov State University, Russia
    The workshop will be live-streamed. You are welcome to join us
    on April 19 at 9am MSK on TERRA Youtube Channel
    PROGRAM, day 1
    Opening and keynote speeches / Открытие и пленарные доклады

    9:00 – 11:00

    Alexander Sergunin, St.-Petersburg State University, Department of International Relations: Russia Planning for Innovation and Sustainability: An Emerging Blue Economy in Russia' Coastal Arctic?

    Olga Maximova, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia: The implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Basic model

    Timur Nizamutdinov, Saint-Petersburg State University,
    Denis Alexeev, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia: Linking green infrastructure to urban air quality and human health risk mitigation in Russia

    Oxana Klimanova, Department of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University: Urban Green Infrastructure: what does it mean this approach in real urban planning in Russia?

    Jurijs Kondratenko (online), D-0 Ltd. / Riga Technical University - water research and environmental biotechnology laboratory, Latvia: Practical experience with implementing green and blue infrastructure solutions in Latvia

    Igor Ezau (online), Nansen Center, Norway: Urban heat island in Northern Eurasian cities: Climatic overview

    Anton Shkaruba (online), Department of Landscape and Environmental Management, Estonian University of Life Science, Estonia: Green and Blue Urban Infrastructure Innovation for Northern Eurasia – Transfer, Regionalisation, Planning Strategies and Development Directions. Concept, workflow, outcomes
    The city and water / Город и вода

    11:30 – 12:30

    Olga Illarionova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of the world physical geography and geoecology, Russia: The influence of riparian zones on the urban environment: the case study of Nizhniy Novgorod

    Jurijs Kondratenko (online), D-0 Ltd. / Riga Technical University - water research and environmental biotechnology laboratory, Latvia: Policy best practice and recommendations for sustainable and integrated stormwater management

    Roman Rydoi, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia: Rivers, community and production of space

    Igor Shchukin, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russia: Application of raingardens for surface runoff treatment in moderate climate

    Julia Lednova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Civil Engineering Institute,
    Mikhail Shilin, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia: Environmental situation assessment in the area of the avanport Bronka construction based on indicator-index approach
    GBI innovation in the High North / Инновации ЗГИ (зеленая и голубая инфраструктура) для полярных территорий и заполярья

    13:30 – 14:30

    Yulia Pechkina, Vera Kuklina, Roman Fedorov, Oleg Sizov, Arctic Research Center for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Russia: Blue, green and white spaces of the city of Nadym as an example of the use of natural infrastructure in Arctic conditions

    Andrey Todorov, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia: How implementation of the Polar Code and other relevant instruments could contribute to the green economy in the Arctic

    Maria Frolova, Northern Arctic Federal University, Department of Composite materials and environmental engineering, Russia: Ecologically green material in the Arctic conditions

    Ramil Guliev, Northern Arctic Federal University, Higher School of Energy, Oil and Gas, Russia: Prospects of Using Renewable Energy Sources in the High North

    Dmitry Astanin, Vologda State University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Russia: Typology of Settlement Patterns in the Northern Territories
    Green and blue infrastructure for the delivery of ecosystem services and comfortable living / Голубая и зеленая инфраструктура для обеспечения экосистемных услуг и комфортного проживания (part 1 / часть 1)

    14:30 – 15:30

    Nicolai Bobylev, Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Russia: Green and Blue Urban Infrastructure supporting ecosystem services

    Hanna Skryhan, Belarusian-Russian University, Belarus: Streamlining of ecosystem disservices for urban planning

    Viktor Korotych, Anastasia Tsurkouskaya, Darya Eroshenkova, Angelina Filip, Gavriil Malyshev, MLA+, Russia: Voronezh Green Network: green infrastructure strategy and case study of implementing landscape ecology and ecosystem services concepts in the land use approach

    Viktar Kireyeu, Erda RTE, Netherlands / Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia: EU Experience of Using Joint Fact Finding in Urban Infrastructure Planning

    Tatiana Vasileva, Pskov State University, Department of Geography, Russia: Comfortable urban environment: trends and organization problems
    6Green and blue infrastructure for the delivery of ecosystem services and comfortable living / Голубая и зеленая инфраструктура для обеспечения экосистемных услуг и комфортного проживания (part 2 / часть 2)

    16:00 – 17:30

    Dmitriy Marinskikh, Ivan Milyaev, University of Tyumen, Institute of Earth Sciences, Russia: Problems of designing green and blue infrastructure of the city of Tyumen

    Liliia Sulkarnaeva, University of Tyumen, Institute of Earth Sciences, Russia: Mapping and assessment urban ecosystem services in the city of Tyumen

    Victor Matasov, RUDN University, Аграрно-технологический институт, Научный центр «Смарт технологии устойчивого развития в условиях глобальных изменений» (SUN-lab, АТИ РУДН), Russia: Ecosystem services approach for landscaping project: the case of Metropolia Residential Complex

    Elena Sheliagina, Moscow Circular, Russia: Opportunities and benefits of using local flora species in urban landscaping

    Natalia Krasnoshtanova, Vera Kuklina, V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia: Informal roads as a form of extended green urban infrastructure

    Svetlana Gardt, Semren&Mansson (Saint-Petersburg), Russia: Eco-sustainable environment in modern residential areas. Experience in the implementation and adaptation of Scandinavian solutions in Russian projects on the example of the Leningrad region

    Anastasia Konstantinova, RUDN University, Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems, Russia: Smart urban nature: modelling and evaluation of ecosystem services provided by urban soils and green infrastructures

    Olesya Butserova, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Department of Engineering Graphics and Design, Russia: University campuses as elements of the urban green-blue infrastructure
    Plenary Discussion and Conclusions Day 1 / Пленарное обсуждение и выводы – первый день работы

    17:00 – 17:30

    Panelists (session chairs of the day) / Панелисты (председатели сессий первого дня работы):

    • Nikolai Bobylev / Николай Бобылев
    • Tatiana Vasileva / Татьяна Васильева
    • Denis Alexeev / Денис Алексеев
    • Olga Maximova / Ольга Максимова
    • Viktar Kireyeu / Виктор Киреев
    PROGRAM, day 2
    Sustainable energy, materials and planning / Устойчивая энергетика, материалы и планирование

    9:00 – 9:50

    Boris Gandelsman, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Russia: Prospects for the use of energy-efficient technologies for urban improvement reconstruction of small towns and local settlement systems on the Bezhetsky district in the Tver region example

    Aleksey Sayanov, Association Landscape Engineers Guild, Russia: The sustainable approach in urban landscape planning

    Yakov Kazakov, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Department of pulp and paper and wood chemical production, Russia: Paper packaging materials in a circular economy

    Olga Likhacheva, Pskov State University, Russia: Databases and GIS applications in urban green management
    "Is it going to fly or not?" – express-evaluation of the feasibility of EU GBI innovation in Russia / «Взлетит или не взлетит?» - экспресс-оценка реализуемости в России примеров инноваций в области зеленой и голубой инфраструктуры из стран ЕС

    10:30 – 12:30

    Several cases of GBI innovation implemented at EU member states will be presented to the audience by speakers involved in those projects. The audience will be asked to give a short structured feedback reflecting on their academic, professional or regional experience. The detailed information about this session will be made available later.

    Несколько конкретных примеров инноваций в сфере ЗГИ, реализованные в странах ЕС, будут представлены непосредственными участниками данных проектов. Участникам будет предложено дать структурированные отзывы на представленные инновации, в том числе с точки зрения их профессионального, научного или регионального опыта. Подробная информация по данной сессии будет доступна позже.


    Justyna Rubaszek, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Poland
    - Case studies of green and blue infrastructure solutions, Wrocław, Poland

    Eva Semančíková, Univeristy of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
    - Wildflower turfs in the city Ceske Budejovice, the Czech Republic

    Mária Bihuňová, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovakia
    - Bus station Nivy in Bratislava, Slovakia

    László Jóna, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
    - Complex GBI development project in Győr, Hungary

    Mária Bihuňová, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovakia
    - Revitalisation of the Dubova Creek

    Kalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Landscape and Environmental Management, Estonia
    - ESS analysis and Green Network by the example of the VivaGrass Project
    Plenary Discussion and Workshop & Roundtable Conclusions / Пленарное обсуждение и выводы по семинару и круглому столу

    13:30 – 14:30

    Chair / Председатель: Alexander Sergunin / Александр Сергунин, Viktar Kireyeu / Виктор Киреев
    Project meetings for TERRA and SUNRAISE projects / Встречи по проектам САНРЭЙЗ и ТЕРРА

    Only for participants of the projects / Только для участников данных проектов

    15:00 – 17:00

    Chair of the SUNRAISE session / Председатель сессии САНРЭЙЗ: Natalia Iurkova, Nina Pakharkova / Наталья Юркова, Нина Пахарькова

    Other participants / Другие участники: Igor Novopashenny (University of Bremen), Nina Kocheeva (Gorno-Altaisk State University), Nina Borisova, Irina Bezkorovainaia, Anastasiya Garmash (Siberian Federal University), Eduard Podgaiskii, Denis Alexeev, Anastasiya (Russian State Hydrometeorological University)

    Chair of the TERRA session / Председатель сессии ТЕРРА: Olga Likhacheva / Ольга Лихачева

    Other participants / Другие участники: Nikolai Bobylev, Viktar Kireyeu (Saint Petersburg State University), Anton Shkaruba (Estonian University of Life Sciences), Tatiana Vasileva (Pskov State University)
    Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel

    Pobedy Square 1, St. Petersburg, 196240, Russian Federation
    How to apply and organisational arrangements
    If you are interested to participate in the event, we kindly ask you to fill in the online application form by March 15, 2021. We expect that a substantial number of speakers will present in person, while we also will support presentations by means of videoconferencing. If needed, we will arrange APEX roundway travel, stay in Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel and full board for accepted participants. The conference venue will fully comply with the latest sanitary requirements prescribed by relevant authorities, including social distancing. Further information can be requested from
    Если вы заинтересованы принять участие в мероприятии, мы предлагаем заполнить форму онлайн-заявки к 15 марта 2021 г. Мы ожидаем, что значительная часть докладчиков сможет посетить мероприятие. В то же время, мы предоставим возможность дистанционных выступлений. При необходимости, мы организуем проезд, трёхразовое питание и проживание в Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel для участников с одобренными докладами. Конференц-центр соответствует всем требованиям, предъявляемым санитарно-эпидемиологическими службами, включая требования социального дистанцирования. Для получения дополнительной информации пишите
    Pskov State University,
    St.-Petersburg State University,
    Estonian Life Science University
    Russian State Hydrometeorological University,
    Siberian Federal University,
    University of Bremen,
    University of Salzburg,
    Estonian Life Science University

    Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
    Olga Likhacheva, Pskov State University, Russia
    Nikolai Bobylev, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
    Viktar Kireyeu, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
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    The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein