CHAIR / ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ: HANNA SKRYHAN / АННА СКРИГАНSeveral cases of GBI innovation implemented at EU member states will be presented to the audience by speakers involved in those projects. The audience will be asked to give a short structured feedback reflecting on their academic, professional or regional experience. The detailed information about this session will be made available later.
Несколько конкретных примеров инноваций в сфере ЗГИ, реализованные в странах ЕС, будут представлены непосредственными участниками данных проектов. Участникам будет предложено дать структурированные отзывы на представленные инновации, в том числе с точки зрения их профессионального, научного или регионального опыта. Подробная информация по данной сессии будет доступна позже.
Justyna Rubaszek, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Poland
Case studies of green and blue infrastructure solutions, Wrocław, PolandEva Semančíková, Univeristy of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Wildflower turfs in the city Ceske Budejovice, the Czech RepublicMária Bihuňová, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovakia
Bus station Nivy in Bratislava, SlovakiaLászló Jóna, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
Complex GBI development project in Győr, HungaryMária Bihuňová, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Slovakia
Revitalisation of the Dubova CreekKalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Landscape and Environmental Management, Estonia
ESS analysis and Green Network by the example of the VivaGrass Project